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What is it - Free Fire Screensaver?
Free Fire Screensaver is a light free version of Fantastic Flame Screensaver with reduced functionality.
Features of Free Fire Screensaver
- Realistic animated real-time fire effect.
- Nice fire sound. Be aware! Your guests can think you have a big camp fire in your house!
- Ability to choose any music file or playlist for playing while the screensaver is running full-screen. Listen your favorite music with the sound of fire in the background! Just watch and relax!
Two soundtracks - Melancholic and Romantic - come included. - Ability to take snapshots of your burning desktop anytime. Get fire screenshots with one key press!
- Full dual monitor support. Danger! Fire around!
- Low system resources consumption - less than most of animated 3D screensavers.
출 쳐 : http://www.laconicsoftware.com
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